How To Impress A Girl
10 Tips To Impress A Girl Tip #10 – Focus Your Attention One of the best ways that you can impress a girl is to make sure that you provide her with your undivided attention. This might be a little difficult to do at the beginning, especially if you are just meeting her officially for the first time or are in a crowded place. However, this is one of the best methods how you can separate yourself from the rest of the pack! Just stay away from all mobile devices while you are talking to her and try not to: Take any calls! Review any text messages! Check your emails! Pay attention: You may even be able to earn some points on her scoreboard simply by allowing your mobile device to ring or even turning it off in her presence, letting her know that she is the most important thing to you at that exact moment! Tip #9 – Maintain Direct Eye Contact Since she is fully aware that she has your undivided atten...
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